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are nfl games scripted

I admit that I was once a skeptic, when it came to the idea that NFL games could be scripted.​ As a self-professed football fanatic, it felt like a betrayal of everything I had loved about the sport.​ I thought that surely no organization would be brazen enough to go so far as to manipulate the outcome of a football game, right?

Well, it turns out there is a lot of evidence to suggest that NFL games might very well be scripted.​ People claiming to have inside knowledge, as well as inside research, all point to the fact that some NFL teams are not playing by the rules.​ This ‘rule-bending’ often results in one team having an unfair advantage over the other.​

It wouldn’t be the first time that NFL teams have attempted to rig the outcome of a game.​ It was reported during the 2019 Super Bowl that there were several suspicious plays that had been called during the game, which some believed gave the Patriots an unfair edge.​ The NFL’s response was less than satisfactory and did nothing to quell the suspicions.​

Now, let’s talk money.​ People seem to think that the NFL is all about money, and when it comes to rigging games, there are certainly plenty of incentives.​ By changing the outcome of a game, a team can have a major advantage in the standings and get an edge on the competition.​ And this could result in bigger payouts for the teams involved.​

This rigging also works the other way around.​ If a team is struggling and struggling to win, they too could have their games scripted in order to give them an undo advantage over their opponents.​ It’s no secret that the NFL is driven by money, and anyone who stands to lose financially from an unfavorable outcome is likely to consider manipulating the game.​

I’ve heard it said that the NFL is a ‘business first, sport second’.​ And while I don’t think this is fair to the athletes and coaches who dedicate themselves to the game, I’m afraid it’s true.​ If the game has been rigged in the past and continues to be today, there is little doubt that money is the motivating factor.​

While I do believe the evidence is strong, I don’t think the NFL can be faulted for wanting to make more money.​ It’s ultimately a business and, like most businesses, its primary motivation is to make a profit.​ And if they have to resort to game scripting in order to do that, then I can understand why they would do it.​

The bigger question is, how old is nfl tight end vernon davis do we stop it? And I think the answer lies in stricter regulations and has any nfl player ever ran into the goalpoast an independent body that can monitor the games and ensure that no team is gaining an unfair advantage.​ Ultimately, it’s up to the NFL to take action and ensure that the game remains as fair as possible.​